Testimonies for the Church Volume 7   (3)
In cases of difficulty with the ones who have them in charge, go directly to those in authority and learn the truth. Bear in mind that the managers of the various departments understand much better than others can what regulations are essential. Manifest confidence in their judgment and respect for their authority. Teach your children to respect and honor the ones to whom God has shown respect and honor by placing them in positions of trust. (7T 186.1) MC VC
In no way can the members of the church more effectively second the efforts of the managers in our institutions than by giving in their own homes an example of right order and discipline. Let parents in their words and deportment give to their children an example of what they desire them to be. Let purity in speech and true Christian courtesy be constantly maintained. Let there be no encouragement to sin, no evil speaking or evil surmising. Teach the children and youth to respect themselves, to be true to principle, true to God. Teach them to respect and obey the law of God and the rules of the home. Then they will practice these principles in their lives and will carry them out in all their associations with others. They will love their neighbor as themselves; they will create a pure atmosphere and will exert an influence to encourage weak souls in the path that leads to holiness and heaven. (7T 186.2) MC VC
Children who receive such instruction will not be a burden, a cause of anxiety, in our institutions; they will be a support to those who bear responsibility. Under right instruction they will be prepared to fill places of trust, and by precept and example will constantly aid others to do right. They will put a just estimate upon their own endowments and will make the best use of their physical, mental, and spiritual powers. Such souls are fortified against temptation; they are not easily overcome. With the blessing of God such characters are light bearers; their influence tends to educate others for a business life which is a practical Christian life. (7T 186.3) MC VC